Our Partners

The Rare Impact Fund

Has three main priority areas:

*Years listed designate first-time funding to grantees with select renewal support





2023 Newly Added Grantees

UCLA Friends of
Semel Institute
Improving the lives of people with mental illness by supporting research to advance innovative treatment and erasing stigma

Our contribution will support funding fellows and run a mentorship program between young students and academics dedicated to mental health and education.

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Mindful Life Project
Transforming schools from the inside out with innovative and comprehensive mindfulness based social-emotional learning programming

Our support will help host mindfulness sessions for students, teachers, and their families in schools in the Bay Area through direct service.

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Black Teacher Project
Using affinity spaces and a cohort model to support black teachers

Our contribution will provide Black Teacher Project the support needed for programming dedicated to Black teachers and specifically addressing their isolation and burnout while providing community. 

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Konscious Youth
Development & Service
Teaching mindfulness and self-care to students, teachers, and their families in New Jersey

Our support will empower Konscious Youth to work in 100 schools with 15,000 students and teachers. 

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Trans Lifeline
Connecting trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive

Our support will help Trans Lifeline operate English and Spanish peer-support hotlines for trans people and their friends and family.

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Kolkata Sanved
Using dance movement therapy (DMT) as an alternative approach to counseling, phycological rehabilitation, self-expression, and empowerment

Our support will provide Psycho-Social wellbeing focusing on social-emotional learning and leadership to vulnerable children and youth through Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) and other creative arts therapies.

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Providing preventative resources and support to reduce mental ill-health before it develops through peer-to-peer education

Our support will help the growth of batyr’s preventative educations programs within schools, universities and communities across Australia that focus on mental health stigma reduction and connection.

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La Familia
Offering free multi-cultural resources to at-risk youth and families

La Familia Counseling Center provides multicultural counseling, outreach and support services to low income, at-risk youth and families. All of their services are free, and they use bilingual staff members to fully meet community needs.

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Enabling children from vulnerable backgrounds with the necessary skills to cope with poverty and become effective learners through social-emotional learning (SEL)

Our support will enable Labhya’s partnership with 3 state governments of India and enable key Social Emotional Learning skills for 2.4 million children currently enrolled in over 22,000 public schools of our partner states.

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Mindfulness First
Teaching children and adults the practical skills and knowledge needed for lifelong mental health and wellbeing.

We are supporting Mindfulness First’s 16-week Social Emotional Learning curriculum to better serve a more diverse cross-section of the population, with a special subfocus on individuals in the deaf, hearing impaired (HI), blind, visually impaired (VI) and Deafblind community.

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2022 Newly Added Grantees

Black Minds Matter UK
Raising awareness of youth mental health, bridging the gap of the current resources available, and amplifying the importance of early intervention specifically for 18–24-year old’s living in the UK.
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Providing vital mental health support and counseling to vulnerable children and young people between the ages of 3 and 18 across three UK schools.
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Mental Health Europe
Promoting positive mental health, preventing mental distress and improving care, advocacy, and rights for people who use mental health services.
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Cactus Instituto
Broadening the debate and care for the prevention of illnesses and to promote mental health in Brazil while supporting projects and initiatives, promoting dialogues, and strengthening the ecosystem to reflect the importance of mental health in Brazil.
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Movimento de Mulheres de São Gonçalo
Working in defense of the rights of children, adolescents, and young people who suffer or present psychological symptoms because of severe trauma. Through BrazilFoundation, we are proud to support its project, Movimento Mulheres de São Gonçalo.
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2021 Newly Added Grantees

Didi Hirsch
Transforming lives through mental health care

Our contribution goes toward implementing comprehensive Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training in high schools.

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Resilience training for military families

Our investment helps Families Overcoming Under Stress develop a Resilience Skills program for self-monitoring of well-being through online community resources.

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Protecting the emotional health of teens & young adults

Our investment will help JED Campus scale their on-campus community programs that work to prevent suicide across colleges and universities.

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Putting people first in mental health

Our investment helps develop an accessible webinar series for young people in the U.S. and beyond on mental health and wellness.

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Peer Health Exchange
Building healthier communities with young people

Our investment helps create educational opportunities for underserved teens, empowering them to make healthy decisions.

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The Ever Forward Club
Youth peer mentoring & social emotional learning

Our investment helps grow their youth development program that aims to address the underlying causes of dropouts, violence, and the achievement gap of inner-city youth.

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Transformative Educational Leadership
Integrating mind & spirit with service & action

Our investment supports the systemic transformation of educational leaders based on a deep foundation of inner development.

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Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
Using the power of emotions for a more effective & compassionate society

Our investment helps improve the tools and strategies employed in YCEI’s school-based RULER approach to social and emotional learning while subsidizing support for under-resourced schools.

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Centering healing, justice, and radical love in social and emotional learning (SEL) so that all children can live, learn and thrive in the comfort of their own skin

Our contribution offers a year-long LiberatED fellowship experience that centers SEL and racial justice and creates the space for full-time educators to engage in reflective, transformative, and practical classroom-based work in a healing-centered community of practice.

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2020 Newly Added Grantees

Canada’s only charity training young leaders to revolutionize mental health

Our investment ramped up the training of young mental health advocates, helping them, in turn, reach over 26,000 youth—almost triple their annual goal.

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The Trevor Project
The world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ young people

Our investment helped revamp counselor training tools, enabling thousands of additional volunteers to provide life-saving support to over 200,000 young people who reached out to their crisis services (a 34% year-over-year increase).

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